Topaz Mask AI 1.3.9

Topaz Mask AI is an updated plug-in from Topaz company, which goes under the brand name “AI” – meaning “Artificial Intelligence”, is an improved version of the software and includes innovative settings, a number of improvements, including processing models. With the help of the modern Mask AI plug-in, the user will be able in a few minutes to make the necessary mask and make real works of art from ordinary photos, using the built-in tools in the software and wide settings that help to fully control the work process. For your convenience, the portal has a link where you can download the working version of Topaz Mask AI for free.

Topaz Mask AI

Topaz Mask AI Full review

During the processing of the photo image, all changes made by the user are saved as presets and can be used in other creative projects. The application has options to reduce noise, remove artifacts, highlight different sizes of objects on the main background, increase sharpness while maintaining quality, the ability to imitate the drawing in oil, watercolor. The presence of innovative technologies implemented in the software, allows you to process photos professionally and very quickly.

Topaz Mask AI is an ideal assistant that allows you to form complex masks, which is largely due to the implemented artificial intelligence. What is expressed in the fact that the technology “trimap” independently identifies problem areas, the desired degree of improvement. To achieve the ideal result of improvement, Topaz Mask does not use brushes, it selects a certain area of the photo image, enters the parameters, generates the most necessary masking to this area, giving the result of perfect quality. In terms of time, a machine operation to create a mask takes several minutes, while manually the user would have to do it for hours.

Topaz Mask AI settings

Within the application, the process is maximally optimized and consists of four stages: saving, cutting, calculation, and replacement. Users only need to draw a blue line, selecting an approximate sector to be improved, and then the program itself, using smart brushes Kat, Kip, Kompute, will qualitatively improve the image of these areas.

About an interesting tools

The program has an extensive toolkit that includes settings, sliders, standard presets and user’s own blanks, as well as profiles with personal settings. There are also profiles with personal settings in the application: – Slider Edge Softness, which provides control of sharpness, – Edge Shifter provides softening of angular images, and the option of Foreground Recovery is used for color restoration and adjustment of transparency of some zones, for contamination of tones is responsible for the option Defringe.

It is worth telling separately about an interesting tool Topaz Mask AI – “Mayd Yosi”, which is used on very complex areas of the photo image – hair, fur, feathers, pile. These places are traditionally difficult to mask, but the software has proven algorithms that help to solve this problem and achieve a perfect result by carefully and accurately processing these sectors. If in manual mode this work would take a whole day, now the user can get a guaranteed result in a few minutes without tedious drawing of selected areas.

Topaz Mask AI download

The Mask AI application differs from Photoshop in that in order to obtain a high-quality mask, the user does not have to work with a brush for a long time and tiresomely, having previously understood the intricacies of notation and functionality of numerous tools. Within the Mask AI you only need to highlight the problem area in blue by clicking on the mouse button, fill in the area to be cut out, fill in the saved area with another click, and then use the “Compute Mask” key. And that’s it, the result is there! Note that the Topaz Mask AI version is available, both RePack and Portable, the easiest way to download it.

This plugin was developed first of all for the target audience of photographers and designers who regularly work with images and need to conduct masking, decomposition of photos. Now the technological assistant has relieved them of tedious and painstaking work. The advantage of this plugin is that it can be integrated into Photoshop, complementing its functionality with fast masking.

Download Topaz Mask AI 1.3.9 –    UsersDrive

Download Topaz Mask AI 1.3.9 –    Upload-4ever

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