Folder2List is a software product for displaying full information about folders and their contents. It allows you to display detailed information about the directory structure, file extensions, and metadata. However, Folder2List also supports other sorting/displaying criteria.
Folder2List Full review
The utility supports displaying detailed information about many files, including video, image, audio, text, and office document formats. The information is output in the form of a convenient table, which can be exported later to a text, HTML file or CSV table.
What data the program outputs:
- Any meta-information: EXIF, ID3, IPTC;
- Lists of files in selected directories;
- Lists of files stored on CD/DVD;
- Full information about the photos: size, extension, date of capture and creation, camera model;
- Music file information: album, year of release, comments, bit rate, etc;
- Video: codecs used, format and extension, sizes;
- Full data on text and office documents.
Features and benefits:
- Sorting files by any criteria;
- Saving information about file lists in the form of a table or a document;
- Print information about files and directories;
- There is a portable version
The program for working with lists of files and directories is loyal to the computer resources. Download Folder2List classic and portable version is available at the prepared links after the description.
Folder2List 3.26 – UsersDrive
Folder2List 3.26 – Upload-4ever
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